Teachers in Ho Chi Minh City Get Interactive with SilVRgrow FutureClass™
Ho Chi Minh is the largest city in Vietnam with rapid development and fast adaptation to new technologies in several key economic sectors including education. Leaders of the city are supporting the trend of virtual technologies as the next generation computing platform. Many of them also acknowledge the benefits of virtual reality in the educational sector.
In March 2019, 200 teachers and educational Managers from both Primary and Secondary schools in District 3 Ho Chi Minh City joined a training session with SilVRgrow FutureClass™. They were given a hands-on opportunity to try out our product and learn how this technology can transform the way educational content is delivered through a 360-degree visual experience.
They enjoyed the chance of giving Virtual Reality a genuine work out and gaining an insight into how new education apps can benefit teaching and workload management. VR brings endless possibilities for learning in a number of subjects, from creating real-time science experiments in a virtual laboratory, through to going on virtual field trips almost anywhere in the world.
Different combinations of classrooms and educational goals can lead teachers to conceive their own uses for this technology. In any case, students are guaranteed to come out ahead as long as educators are committed to using VR to its full potential.